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Monday, October 26, 2009

Green Budgets

55 Green Budget Tips to Show Nature You Love Her

I don’t care if you grew up in the city, and your only interaction with nature was through the birds on the phone lines, or the ants in your kitchen. Nature has been there for you your entire life, and now it’s time for you to open yourself up to nature’s message.

Permanent Link- 30 Green Ways to Stretch Your Family’s Budget

Money doesn’t seem to go as far as it did even a few years ago, and raising a family while being green can be expensive if we believe all of the hype about buying more green stuff.

Back to basics: Green budget living tips

The economy. Energy. Burgeoning carbon footprints vs shrinking portfolios. Not an appetizing picture. Still, we gotta eat. To alleviate some of the stress surrounding these complex and confusing issues, let’s look to the past for simple, green solutions. During the Great Depression, consumers had to differentiate between needs and wants, and you may have witnessed the legacy of that frugal time in the spending habits of your grandparents and their friends. It’s time we all started buying like that generation.


  1. Actually, going green, doesn't have to be expensive. Most of the expensive alterations will inevitably save you money in the long run. I am a greenflooring expert, and know the good from the bad when it comes to green floors. I also have identified many companies that have truely sustainable, and low voc floors for what you would pay for a traditional one. The great thing is, these floors look better, are more durable and healthy for your family, and will ensure that our forests are here for a long time to come! My usual response after showing a certain product, explaining it's value to the consumer, and giving them the actual cost, is "Really?" Green floors have never been better, healthier, or more affordable! Greenflooring Solutions,inc.

  2. how to live green, practical advice and tips bs

  3. To Blogmaster,
    A great choice would be strand woven bamboo. Although the footprint is long being that it comes from China, it's an excellent choice. Harder than Brazilian Cherry, unique look, no added urea formaldehyde, and a very low VOC finish. The cost is the same as an ordinary Bruce hardwood floor, but the durability and sustainability is incredible! The great thing about the strand vs the verticle and horizontal is that you don't have to spend a fortune getting a stable product. Strand starts at $4.20 sqft and up. Very reasonable for such an amazing floor! All exceed the E1 standards for off-gassing. Thanks, GFS,inc.
