While we all use energy to power us through our daily lives, many people take renewable and sustainable methods for granted. In the world of home ownership and real estate, there are many things that should be taken into consideration. The implementation of Eco-construction and sustainable energy solutions will play an important role in the transformation to a healthier and sustainable world.
Recently, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law. Included in this act were extensions to the tax incentives placed for energy efficiency in 2005, as well as new credits for homeowners who remodel or build using Eco-sustainable methods. Existing homes are eligible for a series of efficiency measures that pertain to the home shell (Insulation, Windows, Sealing) worth 30% of the installed cost (materials only, labor is not included in the credit basis).
Some of the measures that are eligible for tax credits include added insulation to walls, ceilings, or other part of the building envelope that meets the 2009 IECC specifications, sealing cracks in the building shell and ducts to reduce heat loss. Storm doors paired with U-factored rated wood doors are also eligible. These “green” home modifications will help save on energy costs and provide tax credits, but some of them may even be better for your health.
Asbestos that is well maintained causes no risk. Most experts suggest leaving it un-disturbed, as this can allow its fibers to become airborne. Sometimes the best action is no action at all in regards to asbestos.
Long term exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can potentially lead to the development of mesothelioma, a lung ailment caused only through asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma treatment has varied effects on victims. The age of diagnosis and latency period typically have a direct impact on patients. Due to the fact many mesothelioma symptoms are similar to less serious ailments, Diagnosis of mesothelioma is one of the more difficult tasks physicians encounter.
Everyone strives for clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Unfortunately, many modern conveniences increase pollution and health problems. Green alternatives to asbestos include the use of lcynene foam, cotton fiber and cellulose. The United Nations Environmental Program states that the use of recycled building materials such as cotton fiber insulation can reduce energy use by 25 percent.
In 2001, Israeli researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology began production of a thermal ceramic insulator becomes a safe and economical substitute for asbestos and other harmful substances. The foam is made of aluminum oxide, a high temperature ceramic noted for great insulating powers from its tiny air bubbles.
There is no need for any products used in construction to be made from asbestos, yet over 3,000 work and home-based materials still contain this toxin. Many locations throughout the United States are swiftly changing their construction practices to suit the environment and the health of human beings.
(Source: Mesothelioma Cancer Center)
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